Sunday 10 November 2013

My first post. Here goes nothing..!

I've wanted to write a blog for quite some time now but have never really known how to go about it. When i first joined tumblr i thought, great! Finally a place to share my views; my wants, wishes, loves, hates, everything, and not be judged. But after the first two posts I realised that actually that wasn't it's initial purpose and it was more about reblogging pictures that you thought looked pretty onto your blog and every now and then complaining about the amount of school work you had, or how rubbish your life was at that moment. I succumbed, however, and 3 years on i'm still reblogging pictures that i think are pretty (albeit the ENTIRE blog is Disney themed having gone through several phases over the years) with the occasional moan. Occasionally.

Now, if you're a teenage girl reading this, I'm trusting that you, like me, have at some point written a diary. Ahh I can see you all nodding your heads and cringing at the embarrassing stories that you wrote, such as the fights that you had with your best friend in year 6 about who's gel pen it was or your brother sitting in your favourite seat at the dinner table (am I the only person who has a favourite seat??) and so on. Believe it or not, I still have my very first diary entry. Back in the good old days when Guildford had a Disney Store, I practically forced my mum to buy me the prettiest Narnia notebook you'd ever seen in your life, and for about a week it went wherever I went. 21st of April 2006: the story of how and why I had to have said notebook (I referred to the notebook as 'you'.. how cool was I?). This continued until there was no more room, so I carried it on until there was no more room in my other notebook, and so I carried it on via Microsoft Word and printed out each and every entry and put it into a folder. All of this I still have, and not only was it a way of expressing my emotions and ranting to myself about the ups and downs of teenage life, but also a way of expressing my views on topics which are very dear to my heart without fear of anyone reading it or judging me in any way.

So, method number 3! I've decided to join my friends on blogspot. Expect several posts on Disney and McFly, as they are pretty much my 2 biggest loves. Here goes nothing.. welcome to my blog!

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