Wednesday 22 January 2014

Film Review - Project X 'the best high school party ever'?

So it's 10pm on a Wednesday night and really I should be writing yet another pointless essay set by my appalling English teacher or doing some of the piles of homework I have yet to do. But instead, I decided to head straight to bed and spend the evening eating chocolate and watching movies, and I regret nothing.

I'd heard one or twice that this movie, for reasons completely unknown is entitled 'Project X', was basically a movie version of the TV programme 'Skins'. Now I, unlike several of my peers, am not a fan of the typical teenage genre ie. watching people have an awesome time getting drunk and kissing as many strangers as their muscles could handle. But having seen the trailer, this one intrigued me. So naturally I gave it a go and wow, I was impressed. Of course it had all the stereotypical teenage activities such as swimming naked, 'hooking up', taking illegal drugs, annoying your neighbours, the most important thing that matters in a teenagers life is popularity and friends and, girls. This entertains it's audiences, however I for one enjoyed this movie more for it's image and the attitudes and messages surrounding it.

So basically it's your typical 'parent's are away for the weekend, i'm home alone, i'm such a loser, let's throw a small party to gain some popularity' kind of plot. Oh and of course there's a love triangle. There's always a love triangle with teenagers. Predictable, right? What I admired about it, though, was the idea that the entire movie was filmed with a hand-held camera; the idea being that 1 of the 4 protagonists were recording the entire party so as to add to the realism and suggest that in watching it, we are joining in. The main character of Thomas is easily persuaded into throwing a party by his best friends, his limit of 50 people quickly turning into 1500. The movie gets progressively cringier, if that's even a word, and I found myself wanting to be there to join in in what looked like an absolutely insane party with so many people looking like they're having the time of their lives, but at the same time definitely not wanting to be Thomas or any of the neighbours, or Thomas's parents. It starts off with a couple of people being kept outside in the garden area so as not to trash the house. However, as word gets around and more and more people turn up, the party moves indoors and dangerous drugs are passed around. And would it really be a teenage movie without some sort of representation of the male gaze? That's right, boys and girls, boobies! flashed left right and centre. This was something that, yes, I felt was derogatory and sexist and down right uncomfortable but having done my research, 67% of those that watched the movie in it's opening weekend were under the age of 25 and 58% of audiences were male, and so I suppose it's met it's target audience.

'Project X' was really a measurement the whole way through. At what point would you call it a night and stop the party? How would you do it? How far are you willing to take it all? This was something I found myself screaming at my laptop screen. Personally, I think it all should've been put to rest when the dwarf gets put in the oven. Yes, you did read that right. Wanna know what happens? Go and watch it! I've also read that this film was the inspiration for several house parties all around America, costing literally thousands of dollars. Sure, if that's the way people are going to read the party, that's cool. If you want to sit in jail for the rest of your life, all your money forever going into paying the debt you will have looming on you because of that one night you got stupidly high and drunk just to make some friends, fine, whatever floats your boat.

But me? Well, despite it's constant objectivity of women and at times, embarrassingly unfunny scenes, it's actually made me take into consideration the role of the parents in all the house parties I go to. Ok, they are most definitely not on the same level as 'Project X' in any way, but I have certainly done things at parties that would be and I absolutely regret, which has had an effect on the parents and the host, be it emotionally or financially. After all, it is their property and even when they consent to their son/daughter throwing a party, respect must always be shown. Not to mention staying classy when getting drunk and keeping your top on.

I realise this is rather a mumsy thing to say in such a short blog post, but I think it's interesting in the way that some people will watch movies and take it in one way, such as wanting to match the most amazing yet life ruining event in their lives, or taking it in another, such as not wanting to ever upset so many people just for one nights fun, and to take into consideration the neighbours, parents, the host and the pets!

So remember kids, get pissed and have fun that's all good, but just remember that it's someone else's property, it's one night of many in your whole entire life and respect, dignity and common sense absolutely does still exist even with your drunken persona.

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